According to statistics, one in every four of the inhabitants of the Earth suffer from diseases of fungal foot and nail.
The fungus of the foot, and the toenails (onychomycosis) – is a common infectious disease, both among women and among men. The causes of the occurrence of the infection and the fungus can be very different – from a weakened immune system to the corruption of a layer of the nail bed.
The process begins with the stopping of the skin, often on the interdigital folds, where it is formed, cracking, and peeling. Normally, the skin gradually starts to get golden and it will appear small blisters, which burst to form sores, and rash. If you don't stop with the "nursery," and the fungus may gradually spread to the finger nails. For the fungus of the nails is the ideal place for you to play. The nails are made of keratin – the substance that they feed to the fungi that cause the infection. The fungus, by placing them on the nail plate, grows, and multiplies. Gradually, the nail is a plate for the glaze to thicken, take on a uneven surface, and are covered with yellow spots. When the nails break and crack easily, exfoliate, and lose the look!
The main symptoms of
The main symptom of the fungus to the feet and the nails, we can enumerate:
- The cracks in the interdigital folds (which is usually between 1-2, and 4-5-m, with the fingers);
- The thickening or thinning of the nail;
- The itching and burning;
- Redness and peeling;
- De-lamination;
- The nasty smell of the nail Polish.

- Strong perspiration, it is considered to be the main factor for the occurrence of the fungus on the feet. You need to be, so, much to the delight of the sensations, only wearing comfortable, well-dried, clean the shoes. Footwear, it is recommended to change it every day, wearing the same pair for at least a day. There are other reasons for the occurrence of onychomycosis. For example, damage to the nail bed of the middle-tier. If the nail is loose next to the body in its cavity, it can easily penetrate the microbes, they begin to multiply actively, thus destroying the nail.
The fungus is a well there is in the moist or dry environment. So, if Your feet remain barely dry, there is a possibility of the encounter with fungal diseases. By following a few simple rules can help You maintain the health and beauty of your feet:
- Only Use comfortable and be sure of the high quality shoes;
- Shoes should be clean and dry. Pharmacy, you you you you you can buy a spray for the protection of the fungus, and then answer them in your shoes and your feet.
- In the Turkish sauna, the fitness room, you should not go barefoot. Light for a slate.
- You should not be able to wear shoes with a lower leg.
- After a shower, as it can be better and better in the dry the feet, especially between the toes.
- Gloves the staff is always disinfect – soak it in rubbing alcohol.
In medicine, there is a modern method of mold removal – the hardware equipment of the nails. It is a procedure that is effective, that will help bring back the beauty of your nails. With the help of a nozzle, removable top layer of the damaged nail records. If you are not damaged nail bed. It's not worth the fear and the panic. The procedure is painless! The doctor prior to the procedure disinfects the surface of the nail first full-length lp, for the antifungal creams and medications and to the best of crept in.
The method of hardware-fungus-treatment attributed to the fact that in all the cases, if you have made up more than 60% of the surface area. In such cases, the doctor may remove the nail plate. If it hit less than 40% of the nail plate, which is attached to a course of antifungal medicines. Laser treatment is one of the effective methods for the removal of the mold. Light output from the laser instantly kills the fungus, and the world. For the duration of the procedure ranges from 20 to 30 minutes. For the complete elimination of the fungus requires at least 3-5 of the radiation of the laser light. The laser treatment also as the medical cleaning is a painless procedure.
Is recommended for disinfecting all of which could play the the the fungus. The high temperature is the major enemy of the fungi. At a temperature of 75 degrees, the fungus dies, for 10 to 15 minutes. Therefore, the disinfection, the risk of infection from fungal diseases, may be applied to the exposure to high temperatures. Personal items (clothes, shoes, items for care of the skin, nails) – it is recommended to boil it, and caress it. For the disinfection of a room, you can also take advantage of one per cent, solution of formalin, in which the fungus dies in a matter of minutes, or a special means of cleaning. You should always remember that neglect of the prevention of the fungus is very dangerous, because this is an issue not only of people ready and sick of my feet, but it is to be healthy, you can get it in any other public place.